Thursday, July 12, 2018

You are SIGN-ificant!

You are significant.  Within the word significant is the word if and can’t, but those aren’t important right now (I know, I am so funny!).  Within the word significant is the word sign.  And what does a sign do?  It points to something else.  A road sign let’s us know what’s to come.  Often, a sign gives us some information about something much bigger than the information the sign contains.  We are each SIGN-ificant.  We point to something much bigger than ourselves.  Our Dreams (or purpose or calling) always have to do with something bigger than ourselves.  They are why we are here, right now.  We were uniquely designed to weave our cocoon and become whom we are to bring this Dream to serve our community and world.  Our Dream is not only fulfilling for each of us.  It is also blessing others.  If your Dream is only about you, then that’s not a Dream.  That’s a nightmare!
Every one of us possesses a unique combination of gifts, strengths, or talents.  No one else possesses this unique combination, and the world needs us to bring those gifts, strengths, or talents.  Humanity is a body made up of many different parts, all different but unique, and each part has a specific role to play to make the body function at its best.  If the human body was made up of all eyeballs, well, that would be frightening!  That would be a monster.  The diversity of the various parts of the body creates a whole person able to accomplish impossible things, things an eyeball or an elbow could not do on its own.  The sum is greater than its parts.  And it is the same with the community of humanity.
I am about to get all clairvoyant on you right now.  Wherever you are reading this, look around you at the room you’re in.  How many walls are there in this room?  Now, here comes the clairvoyant part.  Ready?  I am gong to tell you how many walls there are in the room, and I am going to be correct for every single person reading this right now!  I know!  Crazy, huh!
Here we go.  The number of walls surrounding you are. . .one.  They are just at angles to one another, but they are all connected.  Boom!  OK, if you are outside by the pool or on the porch, I realize my clairvoyance was severely lacking.  Oh well, sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
Now, take a look at your finger.  I know, you’re like, “What?!”  Trust me.  This is going to make sense in a minute. . .unless it doesn’t.  Look at your finger.  Now, look at your elbow.  Now, look at your kneecap.  Let me ask you a simple question: Who is that finger?  Who is that elbow?  Who is that kneecap? (OK, that was three questions, but they were pretty simple, except for that part about who a part of your body was.).  Is your finger you? (Hint:  the answer is “Yes.”).  Is your elbow you? (Hint:  I shouldn’t have to give you a hint now).  Is your kneecap you? (Hint: Really? You need a hint after the first two questions?  You’re killing me smalls!)  Here’s the point of your finger (see what I did there?), your elbow, and your kneecap.  It’s all you!  It’s all one.  But each part is integral to you functioning at your highest level.  Every part of your body is significant!  Every part of the human body matters, just like all the walls in the room you’re in matter and are, from a certain perspective, all one!
            Just like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to butterfly, everything making us uniquely us already exists within.  Our call is to bring those strengths to life by changing our minds about how we see ourselves based on the lessons of our experiences.  We must knit our own cocoon.  We are responsible for doing the work necessary to become fully who we truly are.  We must not rely on others to do the work for us.

The only way for us to grow into our Greatness is to embrace the work before us and learn from that work.  We must struggle if we are to be shaped and transformed.  We must not let our struggles define us.  Instead, we let our struggles refine us.  It is the struggle that helps make us who we are.  Just like the caterpillar, without responsibility, work, and struggle we cannot be transformed into who we are truly!
Your SIGN-ificance is within, and you point to something greater when you live who you are, regardless of the struggle.  You see, happiness is not the ultimate objective, contrary to popular opinion.  Living a fulfilling life is the objective, and that entails struggle and service to others.


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