The Shift: Transformed by Renewing Your Mind
It is one of
the largest, most powerful natural forces on the planet. It remains practically imperceptible
until it reaches the shore. And
where did it originate? Deep in
the center of the ocean, the crust of the earth shifts a mere four inches and,
out of that four-inch shift a wave begins, building momentum, crossing a
thousand miles of ocean at six hundred miles per hour, towering one-hundred
feet as it rapidly approaches the shore.
From an imperceptible four-inch shift comes a massive, overwhelming
force. A tsunami.
A Different Kind of Wave
So, I know,
you’re saying, “Brad a tsunami, tidal wave, a.k.a. massive wall of ocean racing
toward those on the land, is destructive!” Yes, I get it.
The point is that out of a small shift comes massive momentum and
force. We are called to be a
different kind of tsunami, by changing our minds about who we are, why we are, when we are. Just a slight shift in the way we see the world and our
place in it creates momentum and a force for positive change in our lives and
the lives of those with whom we have relationships.
When you make
The Shift you change your mind about whom you are capable of being and what you
are capable of accomplishing. When
you make The Shift, you begin to value significance over success. When you make The
Shift, you stop seeing with your eyes and start seeing with your heart. When you make The Shift, you stop
seeing things as they are and start seeing things as they could be. When you make The Shift, you stop
focusing on the probable, and you start focusing on the possible. When you make The Shift you turn your maybe into will be.
Super Computer
It is the most
powerful processor, working a trillion computations in any given second. No super computer comes close to its
potential computations. What is
this super computer? Your
brain! And, like the shift of the
crust of the earth deep in the center of the ocean that brings massive momentum
and overwhelming force in the form of a tsunami, the time has come to make The
Shift in your mind!
Remember that
Cave from my blog entry entitled "Spelunking: Escaping the Cave of Illusion" ( It’s
time to break free of the shackles holding you in the bottom of the cave of
illusion, to make an about face, to see and hear the truth with new eyes and
ears. Remember the metamorphosis
of the caterpillar to butterfly from my blog entry entitled "Transformation: What Do You Intend?" ( It’s time to begin to knit your own
cocoon and be transformed into the person you truly are. It’s time to make The
Change your
mind, and realize who you truly are!
Access your untapped potential and unlock your Greatness! Become a tsunami of positivity,
impacting your future and the future of others in your life. Become a gift and a blessing to the
community and world you inhabit by seeing the blessing in every situation.
Decide Now!
what is The Shift? It is changing
your mind! And guess what? You can do that in an instant! Right now! I’m not kidding.
You can do it right now!
When you look
at your life, what do you think?
What thoughts do you replay every day about who you are, why you are,
when you are? Are they positive or negative? Do they tell you, “Impossible!” Or do they tell you, “I’m possible”? Do they keep you from manifesting your
Dream? Or do they spur you on to
living who you are? Because the truth is you control your mind. You
decide what you think. You get to
choose how you see yourself and the world around you.
When my son,
Ben, was in tenth grade, he struggled with seeing the world, his situation, and
his schooling from middle school on positively, so much so that my wife and I
had to have several talks with him about what was going on. We were deeply concerned and expressed
that to him, saying we were willing to do whatever it took to help him with
shifting his perspective. Then,
what seemed overnight, our bright, happy, positive Benjamin showed up one
day! When I asked him what
changed, he said, “I was tired of being negative, so I decided to be
happy.” And that was it. He simply made a decision and acted
upon it.
little four-inch Shift in your mind is all it takes to walk in your Greatness. Just a simple change in thinking. It moves us from a seeing-is-believing
to a believing-is-seeing mind set, from a fixed mind-set to a growth mind-set.
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