Tuesday, August 28, 2018

C.A.R., The Vehicle to Your Dream - Part Four: R is for Reflection

R. Is for Reflection

            Reflection in western society is scarce, but successful people use reflection to connect desire, determination, and discipline to their Dreams.

            Just as we look in the mirror and prepare for our day, those who reflect assess what actions and practices they need to implement.  Reflection is pausing, listening, learning, and adjusting.  When we reflect we ask:
·      How did my day go?
·      What did I do today that went well?
·      What did I do today that didn't go well?
·      What served me today for my calling?
·      What adjustments can I make to practice the disciplines that will move me toward my calling?
·      What struggles did I have and was I determined enough?
·      What might I adjust when I face the same struggle tomorrow?
·      Did I listen to my head, gut, and find a compromise in my heart?
·      What will I keep doing?
·      What will I stop doing?
·      What will I add to my activity?
·      Am I still walking in my Greatness and on the path to my calling?


              Daily assessment is vital to making connections.  Reflection helps us associate the proper emotional responses to events occurring in our lives.  Reflection empowers us to live each moment to its fullest, to appreciate what each time and place has to offer, to be grateful for the adventure of living our calling daily, and to enjoy the journey.

Driving the C.A.R.
            Connection, Association, and Reflection, if we don’t practice these consciously, we will practice them unconsciously.  And until you make the unconscious conscious it will rule your life, and you will call it fate.[i]  The question is, will I take control of the C.A.R. and drive it in the direction I desire, toward my calling, or will I remain a passenger, letting my subconscious determine the road I travel?  If you don’t know your direction, any road will take you there.[ii]  And any vehicle will serve!

Those who walk in their Greatness and live their calling daily take the wheel and drive the C.A.R.  They connect every moment.  They associate the proper emotional response to events along the highway.  They associate with like-minded, positive, proactive drivers headed in the same direction.  They reflect on what they have learned and how they will adjust.  Then, they move on down the road, applying the lessons to the next mile, enjoying the journey as they grow nearer their destination: Greatness.

[i] Carl Jung.
[ii] For more information on Keith Kochner and Mentorship Mastery visit http://mentorfish.com.

Chapter 13: Time Flow


At August 29, 2018 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Arlee Bird said...

Sounds like good advice and a good system. I do a lot of reflection but frequently it's not focused in the way that it should and I tend to reflect on things that are not helpful for me.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out


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